Saturday, June 25, 2022
The Early Music Voices Concert Series presents local harpsichordist, Justin Luchinski and friends, featuring two harpsichords from the National Music Centre collection. Come and hear music from the 17th & 18th centuries and find out more about the National Music Centre’s amazing early keyboard collection.
The 20-Minute Concert will be presented at 1:30 & 2:30.
Included in the price of admission.
4e Suitte de Pièces de Clavessin
Ouverture / Allemande / Courante / Sarabande / Gavotte
Charles Dieupart (1667-1740)
Gioite al canto mio
Jacopo Peri (1561-1633)
Te lucis ante terminum
Chi desia di saper
Siren scene from La Liberazione di Ruggiero
Francesca Caccini (1587-c.1641)
Performers: Justin Luchinski, harpsichord
Hannah, Pagenkopf, Julie Harris, Elizabeth Fast, Jerald Fast, singers
National Music Centre
850 4 Street SE, Calgary, AB